Keen Parts Retail Corvette Store

Keen Parts Retail Store

Visit our retail Corvette store!

Keen Parts is not some anonymous Corvette parts business on the internet. Web sites are selling Corvette parts that have no info on where the company is located or who is even operating it. Who would ever deal with someone like that? What are they hiding?? The Keen Parts team are real Corvette people with real-world Corvette knowledge because they have been driving, maintaining and restoring Corvettes for decades.

Keen Parts in Cleves, Ohio

We have a retail Corvette store just outside Cincinnati, Ohio which we have operated for over thirty years. The store is located at the Cleves, Ohio exit right off the I-275 highway that circles Cincinnati. Our centralized location allows for fast shipping to all corners of the continental United States. We recently converted a warehouse across the street from the original store and significantly expanded our operation. We doubled our on-site storage, and as a result, we can now ship more items more quickly! Storing 26,000+ different items takes some space. We also have an entire floor of a large local warehouse that we can access in a matter of minutes.

We host a fun “Open House” every other July with beautiful local Corvettes, displays, and lots of camaraderie with our local friends and customers.

Keen Parts

6048 State Route 128

Cleves, Ohio 45002


  • Monday through Friday 8 am to 6 pm
  • Saturday 9 am to 3 pm
  • Closed on Sunday to be with our families


  • 800.757.KEEN (5336)
  • 800.757.5336
  • 513.353.3449
  • 513.353.3997 FAX